Diodes are components often found in circuits of all types, serving to restrict the flow of current in a single direction. While they are generally reliable, they can become faulty in instances where their breakdown voltage is exceeded, resulting in current flowing in the opposite direction from what is intended. With a specialized type of diode known as a Zener diode, standard operations remain the same as current is allowed to flow freely in the forward biased direction during typical conditions. However, they have a designed voltage threshold known as the Zener voltage, and when this threshold is surpassed, current may flow freely in the reverse-biased direction without damage. With this special capability, Zener diodes find uses that extend past the conventional applications that standard diodes serve. Read more >>

Posted on September 16, 2022 Michael Jones Electronics

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A capacitor is a common part type that is charged with storing electrical energy in an electric field, serving as a passive electronic component that establishes capacitance in a circuit. There are many types of capacitors available, each varying in its design and capabilities. Film capacitors are a common option for many applications, and they are discernible by their thin plastic film that serves as the dielectric. In this blog, we will discuss the film capacitor in more detail, allowing you to have a better understanding of its function and applications. Read more >>

Posted on July 12, 2022 Michael Jones Electronics

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Oleo-pneumatic shock struts, also referred to as oleo struts, are aircraft shock absorbers that assist in landings and ground maneuvers. As a type of oil/gas shock strut, such equipment is a crucial aspect of aircraft landing gear, ensuring that large forces are optimally relayed from the ground and into the airframe. As kinetic energy is transformed into heat by the strut, landing forces are absorbed and dissipated to dampen recoil and reduce bounce, relieving stress from the airframe and ensuring a smoother ride for passengers. In this blog, we will discuss the functionality of oleo struts, allowing you to better understand the role that they play in standard flight operations. Read more >>

Posted on November 8, 2021 Michael Jones Electronics

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Designed to record various electronic instructions sent between an aircraft and its parts, flight data recorders (FDR), commonly referred to as ‘black boxes,’ are capable of retaining data received from various areas of an aircraft. Typically coupled with a cockpit voice recorder (CVR), flight data recorders and their combined components are vital tools for investigating any incidents or accidents that have occured to or on a particular aircraft. Painted a vibrant orange color for ease of identification, flight data recorders and their implementation in aircraft are necessary for obtaining valuable insight on how an aviation accident or incident occurred. Read more >>

Posted on August 2, 2021 Michael Jones Electronics

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